Tuesday 1 September 2009

Little coloured houses

Think I'll have fun with these. Sarah's been busy painting rooftops... available in her shop soon.


  1. Oooh. I like 'em.
    Yes. An op shop - or opporunity shop - is exactly like a thrift or charity shop. They're society's collected not-quite-ready-to-throw out goods sold to raise funds for social services. In Australia, are mostly run by church, or christian, social service organisations.

  2. How utterly fun. Love the patterns these create and the 3D nature of it. Fantastic!

  3. I love them too! How brilliant of her to paint the two sides of the roof differently for more dimension! LOVE.

  4. Oooh these are adorable... I would so end up just playing with them!

  5. Oh, aren't they fun! Love them :) K

  6. vraiment vraiment joli... ludique, décoratif et peu encombrant, LE cadeau idéal pour le prochain anniversaire de mon fiston, merci ;-)!!

  7. Woow, I love these little houses! How cute they are! ox

  8. How lovely! These bring back childhood memories of similar toy houses I loved playing with... mmm, I can still smell the wood and the paint


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