Monday 11 October 2010

Remember, Remember, the 1st of November!

 I've been working on the next issue of Babiekins
It's going to be very special indeed.
So pleased to see Priscila's online magazine going from strength to strength.
Lots of surprises and lots of great people involved.
Don't miss it, whatever you do!
Issue Three comes out on November 1st.


  1. This looks great! I'll can't wait to see the entire issue.

  2. LOVED! the painted suitcases and that Russian family again. Oh I love what they do!

    looking forward to your next babiekins sharing...will be back!

  3. Tu as un très joli blog ! Bravo et à bientot alors !

  4. Coucou Déborah ! Hier je t'ai laissé un com sur ce billet qui n'a pas du s'afficher ! Juste pour savoir comment acheter ce magazine Babieskin qui a l'air super ? Bises

  5. Babiekins est gratuit! Vous pouvez lire la dernière édition ici


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