Monday 21 June 2010

Colouring in with Christina

If you read Small Magazine, you will have seen Christina Sitja Rubio's work featured in issue 13 this Spring. Christina was born in Caracas, Venezuela and studied Fine Arts in Montreal, New York and San Francisco. She trained as a printmaker and photographer but loves drawing and five years ago decided to trade in her camera for a pencil. I'm so glad she did!

Christina's portfolio and sketchbooks
are full of endearing, imaginary animals. Bears and birds appear frequently in her work (the bear is the symbol of Berlin, where she lives part of the year. She spends the rest of her time in Barcelona).

As you know, I'm always on the look out for unusual things so when I discovered Christina's bilingual (English/German or English/Spanish) colouring books I just had to share. Maybe you've seen them before? If you haven't, take a peek at these beautiful drawings, available here.

Christina also designs T-Shirts. This beautiful bird illustration is for her children's range.

Aren't these illustrations gorgeous? Perfect for a nursery.

I wish I'd known about Christina's calendar last year - I'll certainly be keeping an eye on her shop for 2011!

One to bookmark, me thinks!


  1. Amazing the coloured pencil

  2. OOHHH I totally adore her work thanks Deb! I wouldn't mind doing a bit of colouring in for myself xo

  3. Jolis ces dessins et une très jolie bannière !

  4. je crois que je vais craquer pour le cahier de coloriage ...

  5. Wonderful indeed,elegant and fresh,thanks for sharing,Renilde

  6. Hi Deborah, I like very much, these have a retro touch!!!
    thank you so much

  7. Son muy buenos los dibujos!!!.... XD


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