Friday 15 April 2011

First Steps #5

What a lovely smile!
But then, I'm not at all surprised,
That smile shines through every piece of her work.

Upright and determined,
A girl with a plan...

Chic in tartan, Mademoiselle
A trendsetter, even then!

I love doing this photo feature.
Seeing little ones' first steps, seeing where they led...

Ingela P. Arrhenius is one of my favourite illustrators.

She's incredibly talented, prolific and fun, always innovating and surprising people the world over. Ingela's a Francophile and also vintage-mad with a preference for the 50's and 60's - books, clothes, knick-knacks, you name it, she likes it.
Don't miss her blog, it's chock-full of her daily finds, recent work and exhibitions.

Retro & colourful
Inspired & inspiring
A style of her own.

Bon Voyage Ingela - Have a great time in Paris!

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour!!! I am thrilled to have discovered your site, it's LOVELY!!

    I'd like to invite you to come visit me at my site -- -- I write about children's books!! We recently wrapped up Int'l Week France, it was a LOT of fun!! Aloha, Melissa


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!