Thursday 14 April 2011

Happiness #2

It may not be the best quality photo but it's my image of the day.

My sister is in Uganda again doing voluntary work in an orphanage.

Rachel's been preparing for this second visit for months, getting together art materials to do painting and crafting with the kids. She's been working in the nursery today. Looks like her paints arrived safely...

Happiness is helping others
And yes, life can begin at forty!


  1. beautiful :-)

  2. Nothing to add, just:

  3. Yes it can and it does. Beautiful.

  4. wonderful and very inspiring!

  5. elle est superbe cette photo. alors ça y est ta soeur est partie ?, la mienne part début mai !!!!! elle commence par le burkina faso et après elle a pris 2 mois en plus pour aller plus loin... le blog de son asso : . Mélanie.


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!