Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Homies

Hey, I wasn't going to ask but there's literally only a few hours left to nominate Kickcan & Conkers as one of the top six Kids Design Blogs in this year's Homies organised by Apartment Therapy / Ohdeedoh. If you have a minute, and you think K&C is worthy of making it through to the second round tomorrow, would you please hop over here and enter the following information

Name:  kickcan and conkers
URL: http://www.kickcanandconkers.blogspot.com/

Thank you - and a special thanks to The Brothers Trimm, Lil'Magoolie and Dentsdeloup for your votes!


  1. Don't be to modest to ask! You have every right to. Your blog is my daily inspiration!

  2. Thanks - I was so pleased to be named one of the top 20 kidswear-related blogs by WGSN quite frankly and I really don't like asking... but somebody nominated me for the Homies. I've left it too late but thought I'd play the game nonetheless!

  3. done. good luck! ... all the way ;-)

  4. You have my vote! Good luck...

  5. Just finished signing you in, GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. Done and done.
    Good luck to you dear!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!