Monday 13 September 2010

Shop Watch: Fifi et Gongon

Handmade cat and mouse pillow

Handmade personalised bib and bag

Handmade personalised pillow

Handmade baby bloomers

Handmade textile crèche figures

Handmade milk tooth mouse matchbox (it's the tooth mouse in France, not the tooth fairy!)

Vintage toy

Handmade brooches and matching bags

Sit down with a cuppa, or whatever else takes your fancy, and look at each and every article for sale in Fifi et Gongon's online boutique. Some lovely, beautifully presented creations in contemporary colours, perfect for your little ones and ideal gifts for newborns.
Leave her a message, or send an email if there's anything you're interested in buying.
Une petite merveille !

via Colette et la Cigogne


  1. These are so endearing. I'll definitely bookmark.

  2. these are soo nice I love all the little details!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!