Friday 18 December 2009

Penny Leaver Green

It's been a while since I've found anything as interesting as Penny Leaver Green's embroidery.
This Bristol-based textile artist, with a background in English, drama and theatre design, makes sewn pictures from fabric and thread. Her work is conversational, incorporating language and exploring the relationship between fabrics, design and words. The provenance and type of materials she uses is important, nothing is planned, her pieces stem from an idea and develop as fabric is placed in a certain way and thread is worked.Penny occasionally works on a specific theme or creates a series of pictures, such as her bird series, exploring the place birds have in our consciousness.

Six Eggs
Hand- dyed linen ground with silk and thread from a series of pieces exploring the depleting number of British birds

She is currently working on the place buttons have in our culture in collaboration with a button phobic and a clinical psychologist. Through 15 pictures she will be exploring a particular button phobic's reactions to buttons and also looking at the button phobic presence on the internet. Her work will be exhibited in Harvey Nichols in Bristol in 2010.
Scale of Repulsion IV
Vintage French linen, vintage bakelite buttons, thread

A picture based on the response to 16 similar buttons by a button phobic in order of repulsion

It's very difficult to choose a favourite, but I especially like her "into the woods" series exploring fairytales in the woods

Hansel and Gretel

Silk screen print Liberty fabric vintage cotton and thread on vintage calico
the text reads: 'quite happily they played on the edge of the deep dark wood..'

If you are interested in finding out more about Penny, her work in progress and work for sale, please visit her excellent website, flickr stream (beautiful quilts, wall hangings, children's pictures and children's toys) and new etsy shop.

A joy to explore!


  1. Magnifique.... Je vais aller voir cela de plus près......

  2. oh and explore i shall! thank you for the tip-off, her work looks extraordinary.

  3. This work is beautiful Deb, I hope you don't mind I have done a post on her bird series.

  4. Oh this is lovely, thanks for the tip! And thanks for kind words on my blog :) E.

  5. I have a genuinely button-phobic friend ( and it has always been a source of great fascination to me) I'd like to point her in the direction of this, but I fear those images may be too disturbing for her!

    Lovely anyway. thanks!

  6. Oh my! Its posts like this that keep me coming back daily to your blog! Your finds are delightful and your taste sublime!


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