Sunday 4 September 2011

Five Faves #62

I'm suppposed to be at a local flea market this morning but it's pouring it down.
It's not exactly the Braderie de Lille but it's usually one of the best vide grenier around, and I was so looking forward to a good rummage, never mind.
I hope your Sunday is shaping up better than mine.

Voici my Five Faves 

 2) Favourite New Kids' Collection - Anna Backlund's Five Friends for Mairo

And in keeping with the eskimo theme


  1. Thought things were only ever rained off in the U.K!!
    Grey and dark in London too, waiting for the rain to arrive!

  2. Great post! So much lovely stuff!!

  3. my fave 5 faves yet! love it all. thanks as always for the inspiration x


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