Wednesday 13 January 2010

Mid-week picks #3

Colourful Czech Candy!
A few interesting links for you to explore if you're interested in vintage toys, posters and books

An absolutely gorgeous collection of Czech folk toys to browse in TookNap Press's Flickr stream
Photos taken from "Folk Toys: Les Jouets Populaires" by Emanuel Hercik, 1951, available here
Found via Débora Figueiredo

Rozpravsky Strycka Remuse, Joel Chanler Harris / Ota Janecek (1959)

Tlapa a Lapka - Ivana Lazanska / Olga Pavalova 1965)

Vasicek a Lesi - Jiri Mahen / Karel Suvorinsuki (1961)

Uresica sell a nice selection of old and new Czech, Hungarian and Polish books
as well as a range of Polish, Mexican and Dutch posters
Found via Fine Little Day

Czech publishing house Baobab Books was set up in 2000 to provide alternative illustrated books for children. From what I can gather, Baobab works closely with upcoming Czech artists, publishing original works such as Kouzélna Baterka (The Magic Torch) by Olga Cerna and Michaela Kukovica, occasionally translated into English.

Link found via Bohemian Girl


  1. Love the whimsy and the rich colors...
    We're under the weather...ick.
    Have a great week Deborah.

  2. Hi from Spain :)

    I just meet your blog and I love it! Thanks for sharing to many beautiful things :)

    meni ^-^

  3. Wonderful post. Love the toys. Inspiration for my own wood block project. I have done 51 pieces now:-)

  4. the elephant goes like this like that....

  5. J'adore, surtout les deux premières images ! Je clique vite sur les liens pour en voir davantage…

  6. Wow Deb, so much eye candy here... and inspiration.


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