Tuesday 6 October 2009

Chigo Playthings

Wooden camera

I've officially fallen in love with these beautiful wooden toys from Japanese design company Chigo. Established in 2005 to provide a range of simple, design-led products for children, Chigo has struck the right note with its Playthings line of handmade, all-natural, locally-sourced wooden toys, reminiscent of Creative Playthings' vintage products in the States. Have a look for yourself -

Wooden cellphone

Wooden spinning tops

Wooden bowling set

Chigo also sell an interesting range of accessories, books, clothes, furniture and bits and bobs (lovely desk mobiles).

Stacking cabinet "Tree" for kids - Landscape Products

A Book of Spoons - Jasper Morrison

Wooden tableware set

You can order online but their site is mostly in Japanese. I'll let you know when I manage to figure it all out... definitely one to watch, n'est-ce pas?

Link found via Inhabitots.


  1. so delightful! wooden toys are just the best...i absolutely love the camera and phone! so happy you stopped by my blog:) thank you for your fabulous comments. looking forward to visiting your wonderful blog again soon!


  2. I also love wooden toy, this ones are paticullary beautiful!

  3. lovely lovely stuff, I like the look of the book of spoons.

  4. Deborah thanks for brightning up my day by your visit to my blog the other day :))
    You have such great taste, i'll be back to check your wonderful inspiring finds on the web and in real life for sure!

  5. Oh yes, they are wonderful. Oh if only wishing would make it so! Thanks for showing these, Deb :) K


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