Wednesday 14 October 2009

Slumber fun


The perfect night hideaway for little girls
extract from Chambres d'enfants by Marie-Pierre Pétroff Dubois
originally uploaded by MarieClaireMaison and found via the inspirational hiccupings

or out?

Nocturnal napping in style!
extract from DesLits by French photographer Thierry Bouet (Aubanel 2007)
found via the excellent Vintage for Kids


  1. Oh wow I love the girly bed - just what you need as you get older sharing with your sisters. Come to think of it - just what I could do with when husband snores!


  2. I would have loved that bed when I was little and not so claustrophobic! So snug!

    I'm new to your blog and have fallen in love with it


  3. So cute... love the first one! That would have been great when I was wee... actually screw that it, it would be great now!!

  4. Thank you for the lovely mention! I am sure this little cupboard hideaway would be loved by both boys and girls. And the caravan would be loved by everyone who lives with a snorer.
    A fantastic previous post too - it's always an inspiring read on kickcan and conkers!

  5. I would have loved one of these bed when I was fact I'd love one now!


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