Tuesday 3 November 2009


You've probably already seen this beautiful cut-out animation by Andrew Gibbs and Zosienka Coombes, but I'm posting it all the same. A tragic tale of doomed love, which took three months to make. Enjoy!


  1. I hadn't sen this and it is absolutely gorgeous. I shall share it with those I know who are film makers themselves...Ange

  2. I had missed this... so beautifully haunting and so well done. Great find, Deb!

    Psst, I just submitted it to wwwatch.org. :~)

  3. heLLO bonjour!!!how are you!!?
    so you live in south of france?me too! i Live in a village near vence and coursegoules called bezaudun les alpes...do you know it?
    ok hope we can keep in touch



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