Sunday 22 November 2009

Miss Clara

Another magical French website for you to explore, this time presenting the wonderful universe of Claire Guiral, a.k.a. Miss Clara. I've admired her delicate, beautiful paper sculptures for years and although she is very well known in France, I'm not sure that her paper poetry has reached all of your foreign shores.

If you're interested in taking a peek at Claire's amazing artist's home in Bordeaux and seeing some of her beautiful work in progress, watch this short video here. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful elegant pieces. I loved all of them and shall now follow the link ...

    Have a wonderful week

    Carolyn ♥

  2. Deborah,

    This woman is a national treasure. Her creations are the things of dreams. Thank you for this post, and for sharing all your amazing discoveries.


  3. Thank you - this is sooooo beautiful.

  4. Gorgeous work! I love how fragile they look - so poetic and romantic :) K

  5. Her dress is incredible...gosh so talented...I love all the detail

  6. Comme c'est beau, plein de douceur!


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