Friday 13 November 2009


Happiness when children craft, paint and play

Happiness when parents and grandparents join in the creative fun

Happiness when a seven year old's art work looks like this

Happiness when a spontaneous photo session before a school parade turns out like this

and happiness when lovingly-prepared horse costumes

are worn with such grace and beauty

A huge thank you to the Residents of Zhuchkov for letting me share some of their creativity with you. From what I can make out these talented Russian children come from an artistic family (mum and dad are a designer and an architect) and their journal relates their holiday in the country this summer. I have seldom seen such magic on the web. The spirit of childhood captured in a handful of posts. Not a mid-century chair, designer outfit or expensive toy in sight. Just children being children catching the wind.

Link to Sonya Solonchenko's art work originally found via Irina Troitskaya


  1. Coucou, comme promis, je viens de te faire de la pub sur mon (modeste) blog. J'espère que cela t'apportera des visiteurs qui s'enrichiront de tes trouvailles.

  2. this is so wonderful - I called my daughter over to have a look .

  3. I'm speechless...So THIS is the one! Makes me want to do more with my kids... In any case - that's the spirit I'm working on Wonderfully done and great sleuthing! PS THANKS!

  4. Oh, c'est vraiment superbe, j'adore les costumes et les délicats petits livres!

  5. Sure, children deserve happiness!

  6. WOW, that's so incredible and amazing and totally inspiring, that artwork is just stunning, what a fantastic post

  7. Delightful and meaningful. I love this... wonderful post!

  8. So crafty, clever, & creative!! Oh, and cool! And any other brilliant 'c' words you can think of!

  9. I am BEYOND inspired. Oh my, so much fun and crafty goodness. How lucky are those kids. The tutu's are over the top....and I adore those books, I want to be a kid again!!!!!

  10. this all looks beautiful! especially the kids drawings!

  11. Utterly beautiful. Love those tutus. How stunning is the little pixie-faced girl in the red indian costume? Thanks for this, it's so uplifting.

  12. This is a beautiful film and reminds me of how I loved to be with my children, completely absorbed into their make believe world.

  13. j'adore tout ... merci pour ce lien que je retourne explorer

  14. Très beau travail poétique que j'ai découvert grâce à epistyle. Je crée moi aussi un lien vers mon blog. Continuez à faire rêver les enfants.

  15. Oh my... I am speechless. This is just wonderful Deb. Thanks for sharing it :) K

  16. Your children look beautiful and happy! and their drawings and paintings make my heart sing! so lovely.
    Indigo, my 3 year old has just started to 'form' people in his drawings, I can't wait to see all his wonderful imagination over the next couple of years, through his artwork.

  17. Ah, this is magnificent... all of it! And what an extra treat the little film! :~)

  18. How enchanting and inspiring and magical...

  19. Je trouve ces costumes et les photos vraiment chouette ,
    les indiens et indiennes sont vraiment top *

  20. Oh My Lord, You are truly inspiring and what wonderful artists you have! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Hi Deborah!
    Thanks a lot that look to us zu4ki!
    We love your blog kickcanandconkers :)

  22. OH Deborah I love love love it. Thanks for sharing lovely,


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