Tuesday 10 November 2009

Tiny Toadstool

Have you ever seen a beret

a pair of mittens

or a felt, lace-trimmed collar

like this?

Thought not.

Check out shan shan, a.k.a. dadaya's etsy store for lots more special handmade pieces and do visit her fun, inspirational blog and Flickr stream. Truly amazing work.

Sorry to those in warmer climes, the cold is setting in here and warm clothes and cocoa are a seasonal must. Give you some ideas for next winter though...

Found via the excellent Design Alphabet.


  1. Aren't these fabulous! No need to apologise - I love winter wear... more please!! :) K

  2. You got me again with that red/blue combo didn't ya??

  3. I have seen her work before...those berets are Fabby...they look like little mushrooms...she is SUCH a talented fiber artist.

  4. I LOVE this outfit and would wear it in a hearbeat. Oh those vintage breeches, combined with bright colors is even better!

  5. Oh, to have this entire getup! I'd never take any of it off... EVER!


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