Thursday 12 November 2009

Wish Tree

I came across this pretty Liberty print wish tree on the Marie Claire idées blog tonight. What a nice idea! This year L'atelier de Marie is forfeiting the traditional 'sapin' for a tree full of angels holding wishes for family and friends.
Marie's instructions are available in French here.


  1. I love this idea - so if I get a little stuck with my translation of the instructions I'll be calling on you for help Deb!

  2. oui, oui c'est bon (French a bit rusty but I think I will manage)

  3. Love trees :) I made my goddaughter a wish tree a few years ago now, except mine was a fabric collage wall hanging where you write your wishes on paper and safety pin them to the panel. I love how the figures hang from the branches - so gorgeous. Kx

  4. I have done heaps of projects from this magazine...they're often quite complicated! But Deb you've hjust reminded me to race out and buy it! You've inspired me to make a wooden and kiwi vine one with wooden and ceramic wishes... Work work work ;-) Love Kylie's idea too though - will be a good one for the kids' christmas ART party!


Thanks for stopping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts so please leave me a message and brighten up my day. Merci!