Saturday 7 November 2009


I really like Sandra Juto's new educational poster about numbers. Fun and playful, this colourful search-and-find print designed together with Mija Carlsson & Malena Forsare (graphic design, typography) can be found in Sandra's beautiful online shop, along with her wonderful pocket calendars, prints and soft toys.

Found via Decor8


  1. Je découvre ton blog et suis émerveillée par la quantité de posts tous plus inspirants les uns que les autres. Que de surprises on découvre au fil des pages ! J'ai un véritable coup de coeur pour ton blog. Merci donc.

  2. Do you know, I could hardly wait to pop over and see the artist you are featuring today. I am very inspired by your choices

    Some time soon, when things have calmed down for me, I hope to go back through your blog to see some the other work I have missed

    Have a great weekend


  3. Love Sandra's work utterly and completely :) K

  4. j'ai failli l'acheter hier ... je crois que je vais craquer ...


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